Reveal Magazine HEART Kitty & Dulcie

Reveal's rock chic Wendy Rigg
Photography: Clive Shalice

Look what our favourite fahionista, Reveal's Associate Editor Wendy Rigg has been saying about us..... 

"At last - cool wedding dresses! If you loved Kate Moss' rock'n'roll wedding, or just want to be a bride with a difference; this is the place to buy your special dress.  With fab names like Dolly Rocker, Cockney Rebel and Pearly Queen, these are dresses with a bit of rock chic and attitude about them without completely breaking with tradition.  There's a style for every type of wedding and what's best of all, they'll leave you with plenty of dosh for your party or honeymoon as prices are astonishingly reasonable. What's not to love."  

Get your perfectly manicured mitts on the 22-28 October 2011 issue of Reveal for more on Kitty & Dulcie.